Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

BEACH TOUR in Gunung Kidul

Baron Beach
Baron beach is the entrance gate to the beach area attractions.This beach is surrounded by limestone hills on which there is a walkway where tourists can enjoy the beauty of the ocean wide and distinctive. In the west, there is an underground river estuary water (fresh water) so that there is a meeting place between seawater and freshwater. Characteristic of the coast is the number of different Baon fresh seafood and prepared foods including Baron's special menu is fish soup Kakap. Used to carry out the local fishing communities Alms Sea Ceremony performed routinely every month of Suro (Javanese calendar). This ceremony is an expression of gratitude to God for the abundant harvest of fish and application of safety in fishing at sea. The facilities available include: Hotel class jasmine, Public eat, souvenir stalls, open panggunung. and the hall.

Krakal Beach
Is a wide beach and the longest dinatara seven other beaches in the area, located 2 miles east coast Drini.
outih shimmering sand that stretches along the coast, ideal for travelers who want to enjoy the sea air while jogging, or bathing / swimming at the beach while enjoying the beauty of marine life and looking for variety, with small nets are sold there. At certain times there are treats on the outdoor stage tourist attraction off the coast. Facilities available include Hotel Melatio, food stalls

Kukup Beach
Kukup Beach is a beautiful white sandy beaches and wide, there are various marine biota, especially fish that are sold by some merchants on the beach or maintained at the Sea Aquarium House near the beach.
Here too there is a small coral island on which there is a substation of view to enjoy the beauty of the sea.Adaantara facilities include: a hall of meeting separately, Pondok Wisata Hotel, Motel, Waung food and souvenir vendors kiosks, marine ornamental fish, ready meals and pedagnag iakn fruits.Local fishermen communities also perform sea alms ceremony in conjunction with beach fishermen Baron

Sundak Beach
Located in the Village Sidoharjo, District Tepus, about 1 km to the east of the coast Krakal, green blend with the natural scenery with a relaxed beach village atmosphere is perfect for relaxing and is used as a venue for tourist campsites for teenagers.

Siung beach
This beach is located in the Village Purwodadi, Tepus District, located about 35 km from Wonosari with asphalt roads to the beach cliffs.
Siung an ocean basin is flanked by two hills with cliffs as a location specific to allow sport rock climbing and is a haven for "climber" because it has more than 250 climbing routes, supported by the beautiful sea panorama, is climbing its own preoccupation with accompanied by waves and ocean breeze is refreshing. Here once held the Asian Climbing Gathering (sport rock climbing in Asia), followed by 80 participants from 15 countries in Asia, including Thailand, Japan, China, Malaysia, etc..And there are terraces surrounding farmland set of living primates (long-tailed macaque).

Wediombo beach

Wediombo beach is natural beach with a beautiful panoramic view, situated in the village of Jepitu, Girisubo District, about 40 km direction Wonosari city landmark.
And bay-shaped beach with white sand ramps, can be viewed openly from both the hills and from the coast, allowing tourists to enjoy the panoramic sunset sempurnama, while also refreshing air ejuk beaches are believed to help cure asthma. For tourists who like fishing can be done in this place where at any given moment Panjo many fish that appear along the coast. Once a year on the coast of indigenous cultures held the ceremony procession Ngalangi catch fish by using gawar made from tree roots that spread wawar as net dipancangkaan of Kedungdowok hill and driven together to the sea by local people. In one kaawsan with this beach there Gremeng Beach, Beach Jungwok and Kalong Island (a small island inhabited by thousands of fruit bats) that can be achieved by tracking about 1.5 km to the east.

Sadeng Beach

Sadeng Beach is located in the Village and Village Songbanyu Pucung, Girisubo District, located about 46 km from Wonosari.There Lake Flute is plains which formerly believed as estuaries Solo Ancient.
This beach is also known as the Fish Landing Base (PPI) is the national standard and is supporting the development of marine fisheries in Yogyakarta. Tourists can enjoy seafood cuisine or fresh seafood brought sebgai souvenirs with affordable prices.


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